Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Get In, No Matter What!

Sunday's (24 DEC 06) Chicago Tribune's RE section has the median Chicago household income at $68,000. I'm assuming that is Gross. To buy a good house in a good hood in Chicago be prepared to pay $350,000 - 450,000 easy. Do you think that median income can stretch that far?

Denver's Ongoing Foreclosure Problem

In August, Weld County had the worst foreclosure rate in the United States.

According to RealtyTrac.com, a popular foreclosure site, Weld Co. has 3,075 properties in some state of foreclosure. Guess how many Cook County has? 41,495! Granted, Cook is allot bigger than Weld, but more than 13 times the worst in the country?!

Can't the Second City get any credit??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Answer: Apparently not.

OKC #28, Tulsa #31. 2007 will be interesting.